The story of The Voices of Mirrors musical began in Yerevan at the presentation of the monumental monograph “The Family Tree of Ashug Jivani” *, published with the assistance of Poghos Harutyunyan. Poghos' childhood friend, the famous Yerevan painter and sculptor Mher Mnatsakanyan offered the producer to help stage his play “The Voices of Mirrors” which he was working on for more than 10 years.
It is a modern version of the eternal dilemma (what should guide a decision: heart or mind?) created by the playwright based on the Old and New Testament.
Poghos took the manuscript with him to Los Angeles. The struggle of light and dark sides in a man, his spiritual transformation, the unexpected and shocking ending – the mystical work so captivated the producer that he suggested the author to make a much larger reading of his work and undertook to stage a musical based on the play The Voices of Mirrors.
In 2019, the producer assembled a star international team and began production on the first original musical SKYFIST Studio, work on which continued after the lockdown caused by Pandemic.
* Vladimir Bangoyan, the brother of Poghos Harutyunyan's mother, whose ancestor was the famous Armenian singer-songwriter ashugh Jivani (Serob Levonyan, 1846-1909), worked on the monograph “The Family Tree of Ashug Jivani” for over 20 years. Jivani was the founder of the New Armenian school of ashugs (the Eastern bards) in 19th century. His poetry was characterized by the purity of the Armenian language and is the closest to the literary one. Jivani had left a rich poetic heritage of more than 800 poems, many of which are so beloved among Armenians that they have long been considered “national folk”.